
"kittery coast"

6x8 oil on panel

It's good to try new things. 

buy this in my etsy shop!

"girl with the smile"

Painting by Delilah Smith

So I found out Ida Noe is actually the talented Delilah Smith. 
...and I am the Girl with the Smile. :)

you can find out more about Delilah and this painting HERE.

painted as a portrait swap for the blog 


Ida Noe"

8x8 oil on panel

knock knock.
who's there?
Ida Noe.
Ida Noe who?
Ida Noe who either--was hoping you could tell me. 

:)  this is my submission for the latest challenge from 
Each artist was sent a picture of another "mystery" artist to paint.  


"Third Tri"

9x12 oil on panel

if at first you don't succeed...
 tri tri again.

painted on commission.



8x8 oil on canvas

Dante was a regal Akita. A real gentle giant...
painted on commission.

For more information on Akita rescue please click here.


"Nubble Well House"

6x8 oil on panel

Something different this time. 
This is an out building- the well house- of the Nubble Light House in York, Maine.

Our summer trip this year was to New England.
 I captured so many beautiful images that I think I may be busy for awhile with a new series...

buy this in my etsy shop!


"Hangin' Out"

12x12 oil on panel

Tom doesn't really care what you're doing...
cuz he's hangin' out.

* charitable donation *
morikami park elementary
keep art in our schools!!


"Rue du Macabre"

6x8 oil on panel

Rue du macabre is french for "spooky street".
My friend said it reminded him of a street in Paris...

Believe it or not, this is my first night painting.
 I have been wanting to paint a night scene for awhile now.
Thanks to James Parker and his blog windows to the words
I got my chance. :)

Another fun artist challenge. The subject was "scary stuff".



8x8 oil on canvas panel

Dacher is german for rooftops. No, I don't speak german... but I have a friend who does. :)

and I just recently discovered a german artist named Edward B. Gordon whose work is incredible. He paints very similarly to Karin Jurick, who is one of my absolute favorites, as well as the host of the blog different strokes from different folks... 

for which "Dacher" was painted.
great challenge. loved this one...


"Mile Marker #27"

My first solo art exhibit.

Learn to paint. check. paint a bunch of stuff. check. 
sell a painting. check. sell more paintings. check. 
be part of an art exhibit. check.

SOLO SHOW!! ...check. :)

If you are in the Delray Beach area come check it out. 
The exhibit is up now and runs through the end of November.



9x12 oil on canvas panel

This is Daphne. Daphne knows anything boys can do, 
she can do better. 

After weeks of having everyone in my house taking turns with the flu, we are all finally back in action! 

buy this in my etsy shop!


"Lucky 13"

In an attempt to figure out why the wonderful blogs I am following were not showing up on my profile page, I managed to somehow "follow" myself...  at the lucky 13th spot.  I have spent way too much time trying to undo this, so I am no longer going to try. :) 

(Apparently I have created two identities for myself and have been following my favorite blogs as "traciebrownart" and not as "tracie brown" manager of tracie brown art blog)? I'm still not sure...

Not only must one be able to paint, but one must be a computer expert as well...  laugh out loud - I do the best I can.  

Thanks to everyone currently following my blog and to all the wonderful people behind the scenes in my life who support me in my effort to follow my bliss...  rock on Lucky 13.


"1 Handsome Man"

8x10 oil on canvas panel

I am delighted to have recently had a commission 
request through my Etsy store.

The request: A small painting of 1 handsome man 
to be given to him as a birthday present.

Happy Birthday Handsome Guy, I hope you like it!



 8x8 oil on canvas

He got the nickname in college... but despite his tough guy image, 
'Bulldog' likes long walks on the beach, smooth jazz
...and doggie biscuits.


"The San Francisco Experiment"

5x7  oil on panel

Life is about the journey, not the destination.

Painting takes focus and concentration. 
This is what happens when you have neither... 
But I am glad to have been reminded of why I paint.


"The Pink One and The Green One"

 9x12 oil on canvas

Taylor and Emma enjoying a moment of silence after their great debate on who exactly IS the cutest Jonas brother.

This painting is part of my beach series.



8x8 oil on canvas

Sundance is wondering when you are coming home ...
and he seriously doubts you remembered to bring him a doggy bag.

This is my first submission to James Parker's windows to the words art blog. 



5x7 oil on panel

This is Leonard. Leonard is tired and could use a hug.

Leonard is my latest submission to different strokes from different folks.



5x7 oil on panel

Ro. is my latest submission to DSFDF and I have LOTS to say about this painting. :)
Beach/Figurative = my favorite. 

People are HARD to paint.  HARD I tell 'ya. One wrong move and people will think you are trying to be Picasso...
Paintings look better in personThe colors are much softer and richer in real life. As hard as I tried, this photograph does not do this painting justice... In my opinion, canvas photographs better than panel.
I also had the hardest time naming this painting... So, yo. It's Ro.

She is actually rowing in Lake Michigan, but she could just as easily be a lifeguard here in Delray Beach in her red "Baywatch" bathing suit and her little "I'm watching you" rowboat.
The colors for this piece were inspired by my WIP still life of a bag of chips. (see below) I LOVE THIS COLOR COMBO:  Grey green, naples yellow, cadmium yellow, red and violet. (For Ro. I also used a little cerulean blue).  And of course I add salt and payne's gray pepper to every painting. 

Great job to everyone who submitted artwork for this challenge. You are a very talented bunch and I am honored to be associated with you all.


"The Blue One"

8x8 oil on panel

Ah summertime...  This is one of my favorite paintings of one of my favorite people -- my youngest son, Mason.  I painted it awhile ago, but wanted to share it because it is a good representation of what I have been doing other than painting!  School's out, basketball camp is in full swing and  we just got back from a trip to visit the grandparents in Virginia. My little guys, whom are quickly becoming my BIG guys, have kept me very busy and out of the studio for a large part of the month. But that's okay because we are having a blast and they are so worth it.  :)

To all you daily painters, I envy you! And to all you other single mothers, I salute you.  


"Southern Veggies"

5x7 oil on panel

This is my latest submission to DSFDF.  This painting ended up being a great metaphor for life.  What I mean by that is - I wasn't going to do it at first.  I wasn't really inspired by the subject matter and have been suffering from artist's block.  I had pretty much decided to sit this one out.  Then I started looking at all the entries that were pouring in... my inspiration started to grow and I was totally loving looking at everyone's work.  My whole attitude changed.  I wanted to paint it.  I put aside everything else I was working on and just got lost in it.  And I think it actually turned out pretty good.

Sometimes the things we don't think we want to do end up being the things we are so glad we did.


6x6 oil on panel

Meet "Lucy."  She is the newest addition to my beach series.  I have a solo exhibit coming up in early Fall and I have been painting like crazy getting ready for it.  I call this painting "Lucy" because she reminds me of my neighbor, Lucy. Lucy is always out walking her two dogs, Jazz and Pumpkin, and she is truly one of a kind.  And how great is the name Lucy? That is usually how a painting gets named in my studio.  I arbitrarily come up with a name in my head for some reason or another while I am painting the piece.  It is usually how I refer to the piece to differentiate it from the others.  Sometimes my titles are really creative and sometimes it's just "Apples in a Bowl."

"Dermer Flip and Fortier Flop"

5x5 oil on canvas

Well, school's out and summer break has officially started.  Every year I paint teacher's gifts for my son's teachers. This year it was flip flops. (My best friend also commissions me every year to do hers as well- so I have been busy!) My boys go to a wonderful elementary school in Delray Beach and every year we luck out with the greatest teachers.  I would not being doing my proper job as a mother if I didn't brag a little about my two brilliant honor roll students. STRAIGHT A's for both!!  Good job guys and thanks to Ms. Dermer and Ms. Fortier for a great year.  

"Purple Mountain Majesties"

5x7 oil on panel
So I finally entered the Different Strokes From Different Folks blog.  I never would have guessed that I would have started with a landscape painting as they are not quite my thing, however, that is one of the things I love about this piece.  The challenge to do something I would not ordinarily do...  The painting is small (5x7) and on panel board.  I wish it were a little more painterly, but it was fun to get out of my comfort zone and give something totally new a try...  Karin Jurick, the hostess of the DSFDF blog, posted a picture in black and white of a Pennsylvania landscape and each artist was challenged to invent their own colors based on the different values.  Of course my rendering is infused with pink and purple because that just seems to be the way I am leaning at the moment.


This is a miniature (5x5) painting of Gus, our 9 month old Yorkshire Terrier.  He is the sweetest, cutest, full of personality puppy you will ever meet.  One of his many nicknames is "George" because his hair falls in a way that reminds me of the Abominable Snowman in the famous Bugs Bunny cartoon...  "I will name him George. I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and love him."  I love Gus to pieces.  I am sure I will be painting more pictures of "my littlest one" because I have definitely become one of those "crazy in love with my dog" people.


"On the Way to Taos" (LK Mix Gallery)

9x12 oil on canvas

I am happy to announce  that I have had three pieces chosen to be part of LK Mix's latest Art Exhibit called "Words and Works".  "On the Way to Taos" was chosen as well as "Doc's" and "Petrus".  The exhibit runs through June and any one of these three pieces can be purchased directly through the gallery at or by calling 561.586.5651.  Also,  you can contact me and I will be happy to assist you.

"On the Way to Taos" is from a very old photograph I have had for years... When I was engaged, my soon to be husband (now ex husband) and I took a motorcycle trip through Colorado and New Mexico.  After a long day on the motorcycle winding in and around many mountains, we were hungry, tired and almost out of gas.  We had passed NOTHING for miles and miles and I was beginning to panic just a little. And then out of nowhere- in the middle of nowhere- this little cafe gas station appeared... 


“Pink Flamingo” - WIP

A WIP is a “work in progress.” I have a lot of these paintings sitting around my studio, waiting for me to pick them up again.  A painting is built by adding several layers of paint and detail. Oils need time to dry between layers, and I  usually have to sit a piece aside while I am working on it so that it can dry.   Drying can often take up to a week or more, so you can pretty much guess I am off to another piece in the meantime.  I just started this painting of a pink flamingo and I am very excited about it because I have been wanting to paint it for a long time.   West Palm Beach has this really cool place called Lion Country Safari where you can ride around in your car and see all different kinds of exotic animals.  The boys and I love to go, and I always get some great pictures.  I have already decided that when this painting is finished, I will make it available for purchase as a giclee.

“James Patterson”

9x12 oil on canvas

Isnt it interesting to watch couples?  Their body language, the way they relate to each other...  What better place to people watch than the beach?  I could see this painting the minute I saw them.  What a great natural composition. What a perfect color combination... What I didnt know at the time, however, was what she was reading. My original photograph was taken at a pretty far distance away.  It wasnt until I got home, cropped the picture, and really studied it that I saw she was reading a James Patterson book. I am a HUGE James Patterson fan... “Suzannes Diary for Nicholas” is one of my favorite books.  Knowing that just made me love this little painting even more.

“Doc’s All American”

10x14 oil on panel

Docs All American is a great restaurant in Downtown Delray.  Its a Delray Beach landmark.  You order at the window, can only sit outside, and you must pay in cash.  They have great soft serve ice cream and the best Philly cheese steak in town. Its a perfect place for a bite to eat after a long day on the beach. It took me forever to finish this painting because for some reason I could not get the palm trees to work.  Palm Trees  are something I have painted a lot of, but have yet to master...


8x8 oil on panel

I often take my boys to the beach on a beautiful Sunday and while they are off playing in the ocean, I am often taking pictures of the scene around me.  I was particularly struck by the beauty of this little girl hunting for sea shells.  I was inspired to paint her after sketching a picture of “The Companion of Diana” for the Different Strokes From Different Folks blog. This blog was created by an artist I really admire named Karin Jurick. She posts a picture every couple of weeks for artists to paint (or draw). She then posts all the submitted versions. The end result is close to a hundred different interpretations of the same image.  I did not enter my sketch, but I did get inspired to paint this piece.  How fitting for this piece to be named “Diana”...the goddess of the hunt.

“Old Sheller” LK MIX Art Gallery Selection

9x12 oil on canvas

I am very excited to announce that I had two pieces selected to be part of an inaugural art exhibit at LK MIX Art Gallery in West Palm Beach Florida.   The Exhibit is called “Uncommon Objects” and runs through May. See their website at for more information and other featured artists.  Also, an online gallery of the exhibit can be viewed at

“Old Sheller” is one of my favorite paintings. Not only is it one of my first beach paintings, I did it in one sitting which is rare for me.  Here in Delray it is very common to see people walking up and down the beach with nets and things to grab sea shells.  I have several different photographs of people doing this and I think it may just become  a series...

It can be purchased directly through the gallery, or you can contact me and I will be happy to assist you.  (This painting is professionally framed).

"Purple Umbrella" LK MIX Art Gallery Selection

12x12 oil on canvas

I love this painting.  I love the composition.  I love the man who can wear this bathing suit and sit under a purple flowered umbrella.  This painting is also jokingly known as “Man in Panties” as dubbed by my youngest son, Mason, and my beautiful friend, Feenie. Also, I have to give credit where credit is due. The photograph was taken by a friend of mine who -when he is not taking pictures of the hot moms on the beach with my camera- occasionally manages to capture a beautiful image worthy of painting.  (Not to mention I told him to point in the direction of this guy and shoot). This painting is on exhibit at LK Mix through May.  It can be purchased directly through the gallery, or you can contact me and I will be happy to assist you.  (This painting is professionally framed).